Cleansing Oils: What Are They and Their Benefits?


Did you know that essential oils have been used for thousands of years? They’ve been used in hospitals for their healing properties, but more recently, they’ve been discovered to help with the healing of ailments such as depression, anxiety, and even digestion. These healing oils can be used in a variety of ways, including through …

What Is ADHD, And How Can I Get Help With It?

Mental Health

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a type of mental illness that causes a person to have difficulty paying attention to details and controlling impulsive behavior. The symptoms of ADHD may cause a person significant difficulty in school or work. It is usually diagnosed during childhood or adolescence, but it can also be diagnosed in adults. …

How to Prioritize Mental Health

Health, Mental Health, Physical Wellbeing, Wellness

With the stigma of talking about mental health being pushed aside, an increasing amount of people are now being a lot more open and honest about what they need to do to help prioritize mental health and set themselves on a path of positive mental well-being. Despite the fact that people feel better about being …

The Key to A Healthy Lifestyle


With people becoming increasingly aware of what they eat and how they live, more and more people are starting to get into shape. However, it can be challenging to stick to a healthy lifestyle. So many “tricks” can be used to lose weight or other unhealthy behaviors. The Importance of A Healthy Diet A healthy …

How To Manage Your Cholesterol Levels

Health, Nutrition, Physical Wellbeing, Wellness

One of the most important things to remember when it comes to your health is maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Achieving this goal can be difficult, but with a little bit of effort, you can keep your levels in check. In this article, learn about how to maintain those levels and what you should be doing …

Best Self-Care Tips for Better Mental Health

Health, Illness, Mental Health, Wellness

If you’re feeling stressed, overworked, or overwhelmed, chances are that your mental health has taken a hit. If you don’t do something to give yourself some time and balance, it’s easy to potentially develop a mental health problem. Luckily, we’re here to help. In this guide, we’ll walk you through some of our favorite self-care …

The Coronavirus Outbreak: What Does It Mean For The World?

Health, Illness

When you hear the word “outbreak,” you might immediately think of the flu virus or some other highly infectious illness. But what if I told you that, in reality, there was an outbreak not caused by a single disease, but rather by a single person? That’s exactly what happened earlier this year when Dr. Ian …

Skincare Essentials to Pack for Winter Break

Physical Wellbeing, Wellness

Skincare is essential throughout the year but it is especially important during the winter. Cold weather can dry out the skin, and leaving it unprotected can lead to a variety of skin ailments. If you are noticing dry, flaky skin as winter sets in, it’s time to take action. Keeping your skin hydrated is key, …

Smoking CBD Cigarettes: Facts and Benefits

Health, Mental Health, Physical Wellbeing, Wellness

Smokers who may want to switch to CBD cigarettes but are still afraid of putting anything in their mouths will be pleasantly surprised to find no taste, smell, or harmful chemicals in CBD smoke. This, along with health benefits, makes CBD smoke a pipe dream. If used correctly, the health benefits of CBD cigarettes can …

How to Treat Pimples

Physical Wellbeing, Wellness

Pimples, blackheads, whiteheads-not many people want to deal with blemished and dull skin. Yet, acne can be a problem for some people for a number of reasons. In some cases, it can cause emotional distress and psychological stress and even result in poor self-esteem. But there are steps you can take to get rid of …